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Sash Window Repair Windsor

We are Surrey Sash Window Specialists, at your service.

Using our professional knowledge, a wealth of experience and passion for restoring architectural timber features, we bring new life and luxury to properties throughout Windsor and beyond.

As a friendly, efficient and hard-working team, we are proud of what we do. Our craft is the art of high-quality restorations and our specialism is in the repair, revitalisation and improvement of traditional timber windows.

Surrey Sash is privileged to serve the private homeowners and commercial property managers who recognise the importance of preserving traditional heritage. We see our work as the preservation of the attitudes, skills and a sense of pride-of-place which brought so many fantastic properties and windows into existence.

Restorations today keep important characteristics and attitudes embedded and alive within our societies, and continue them long into the future.

To ensure that your property’s story continues, and your timber windows exude quality, restorations may be a wonderful solution for you.

We invite all enquiries related to timber restorations. Contact our team to discover the solutions from the Surrey Sash Window Specialists.

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Surrey Sash, proudly serving our Windsor community

A property’s architectural features deserve to be accentuated and preserved to the highest standards. We provide unique restoration solutions for our diverse customers who include both private and commercial proprietors. 

Surrey Sash attends to all aspects of wooden window restorations, upgrades and maintenance. The in-depth knowledge of our team transfers easily to other timber features which may need restoring periodically – for example, we frequently repair, renovate and redecorate wooden-framed conservatories, external timber cladding and soffits.

sash window before restoration
repaired and re-decorated sash window

Issues that we can help you deal with

Partially decayed wooden windows frame

Loose or Missing putty

Rotten bottom rail of Sash window

Flaking, cracked paint on all parts of window frame

Decayed window sills

Cracked or missing glass pane in Sash windows

Cost-effective alternative to full windows replacement

Restoring your windows is worth considering as it is cheaper than replacement (Full window replacement starts from £1700-£2800 per window while full sash windows restoration starts from £420 per window + VAT) and can often prove as efficient as a replacement (We give 6-8 years guarantee on paintwork and repairs that we do).

The core services of Surrey Sash include:

The restoration services we offer are defined by the services which our customers need. We pride ourselves on providing unique solutions to unique projects, properties and proprietors. At the least, our most frequently called-upon services include:

Structural Sash windows restoration works,

Replacing rotten timbers and repairing all damage to frames and sills. Using various techniques, we re-establish a window’s strength, durability, structural integrity, safety and all-round quality.

Sash windows external redecoration,

Reclaiming your property’s aesthetic splendour. Surrey Sash works with the authentic charm and original design of your home or building. Our decoration service includes thorough preparation and we use an advanced paint-spray method to achieve smooth, long-lasting and beautiful finishes.


Installing draught-excluding brushes and strips to your windows. We use premium draught-proof products which can be discreetly added to existing windows by our skilled team. Our draught-proof system is designed and installed so that your property’s authentic characteristics and charm are not compromised in any way.

A highly cost-effective method which enhances thermal efficiency to most homes, minimises unwelcome draughts and reduces external noise and the ingress of particulate matter.

Functional restoration works,

We repair and maintain all types of window to ensure they operate smoothly, effectively and safely. As specialists in sash windows, we will ensure your sashes are well balanced and running smoothly. We cover all repairs such as sash-cord replacements and rebalancing weights. Seized windows are released and made secure, and draughts and rattles are resolved.

Exterior woodwork restoration,

replacing/ repairing gables, wooden conservatories, soffits and timber cladding.

Sash Window Repairs/ Restoration Example

Below are examples of sash window repairs. Before and after restoration.

Casement windows restoration/sill replacement.
Curved sash windows restoration

Old grade 2 listed cottage windows restoration

Surrey Sash attitude is to always try and retain as much of the original, good quality timber as possible.

Our sash windows restoration projects

Projects gallery

Please browse our other web pages for more information, and contact us, the Surrey Sash Window Specialists, to arrange your restoration project. We look forward to hearing about your renovation aims and providing you with quality solutions.

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