Georgian Sash windows restoration

Those Georgian Sash windows are not original but still single-glazed; they have installed 20 years ago, and after 10 years, the maintenance with painters and decorators began.

The property owner had enough of needing to repaint those timber windows every 3 years and contacted us for proper restoration of timber frames, so they can last for at least 8-10 years without maintenance.

The window sill, bottom rail of the sliding sash and corners of the frame were in a bad state as, during past maintenance, some major issues were ignored and covered up with a layer of paint.

georgian sash windows restoration

All timber windows are made of softwood which does not add to durability.

restoration of georgian box sash windows

The problem with glazing putty

The putty on the lower parts of the glazing Georgian bars starts to crumble and fall out.

In our work, we do not use traditional putty because it is now durable; it lets the water in after only a couple of years and starts the rotting of the wooden frames.

We use a modern, resin-based putty that is much more durable and does not allow water in as it has better glass adhesive properties.

renovation of georgian sash windows
georgian box sash windows restoration

The French-style door was also in a bad condition.

restoration of the french-style door

Our team renovated the frame and replaced the door drip.

renovation of the french style door

The Georgian Style casement window before restoration.

georgian style casement window before restoration

The window after restoration. The frame was renovated, and we also scraped off the old paint from the glass. If the same were done with the old paint from inside, the window would look like new.

georgian style casement window after restoration

Window renovation completed

After window timber frame renovation, our team re-painted the windows using a paint sprayer. The customer was amazed by the final result as the windows now look new. The whole house looks different!

georgian sash window timber frame renovation
georgian sash windows renovation
georgian wooden sash window restoration
restoration of georgian sash windows

Contact us

If you have similar timber frame windows similar to the worst issues, there is a good chance we can repair your sash windows.

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