Traditional cottage windows renovating

There are many reasons why you might want to repair your traditional cottage wooden windows. Perhaps they are starting to show their age, or maybe you just want to refresh the look of your period property, but most likely the main reason is rot and facking paint, and this was a case with our recent restoration projects where some window parts decayed badly because of rot, weather, age and irregular maintenance.

Our recent cottage windows restoration project

traditional cottage windows renovating
cottage windows restoration project

Wooden windows before the restoration.

cottage windows restoration

Original wooden cottage doors before renovation

original wooden cottage doors before renovation

The lower window joints are almost gone. All wooden window sills had some rotten wood as sills are most exposed to weather compared to other parts of the window.

renovating of garden wooden doors

Our team also took care of all front and garden wooden doors by removing all old paint and repairing wood. The pictures of the door before the restoration and after speak for themselves.

We started the works by removing all old loose paint and rotten wood. We then repaired all the windows by installing new wooden parts and joints where necessary. Our team also replaced all cracked window panes with new ones.

repair wooden frames

To repair wooden frames, we removed sashes. The casement sashes were also repaired on the ground and brought back to their places at the end of each day. The new putty was applied to all glazing bar surfaces. After that, all windows were primed and painted with two coats of paint.

restoration project
the wooden front door after restoration and painting
restoration of wooden front door

The wooden front door after restoration and painting. The whole process took around 1 week to complete and the results are impressive.

renovated cottage windows

The renovated cottage windows look like new now and will protect the property from the bad weather for many years to come.

window restoration

It is important to do regular maintenance on your windows to prevent rot.

restoration of windows
renovating of windows
repair traditional cottage wooden windows.
restoration of cottage windows

If you have similar cottage windows that you would like the Surrey Sash windows team to take a look at and repair, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We will be happy to provide you with a free quote for window restoration and sash window double glazing service.

Other window restoration projects